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The Virtues Project

Bringing Virtues to Life

a mural painting of our sponsor tree in the hallway of West Seattle Montessori School and Academy, also has posted our virtues of the month from the Virtues Project

The Virtues Project is a global grassroots initiative to inspire the practice of virtues in everyday life. The Project is sparking a global revolution of kindness, justice, and integrity in more than 95 countries through its facilitators and Virtues Connections.

The Virtues Project empowers individuals to live more authentic meaningful lives, families to raise children of compassion and integrity, educators to create safe, caring, and high performing learning communities, and leaders to encourage excellence and ethics in the work place. It has inspired and mobilized people worldwide to commit acts of service and generosity, to heal violence with virtues.

Character is destiny. Virtues are the content of our character. The Virtues Project nurtures our children in the skills and qualities they need to be successful in school and in life. Although they are the oldest practices in the world, virtues are essential to the true goal of education – intelligence plus character. Too many of our children are technical wizards and moral illiterates. Power plus control leads to violence. Power plus compassion transforms bullies into leaders.

Our school adopts the strategies and resources in The Virtues Project to foster academic excellence while creating a culture of caring, as well as trust and unity among staff. The Virtues Project is used by the National Education Association of the U.S., Boys & Girls’ Clubs throughout America, and a national Essence Cares mentoring program. Schools across Australia, the Pacific, Africa, India, Europe, and Asia use it as a central tool to enhance social and emotional learning.

From early childhood to university graduation, The Virtues Project helps us to create safe and caring schools for our children.

At WSMS&A a different virtue is highlighted every month.  

The Virtues Project: About

Virtues of the Month

for the 2024-2025 School Year


Main Location

11215 15th Ave SW

Seattle, WA 98146

Montessori Children's House

10240 California Ave SW

Seattle, WA 98146

Contact Info

P:  206.935.0427   F: 206.935.2037


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